About Childminders

Always make sure your childminder is registered

Plus your childminder as got the training and experience working in the age group of your child

You do want the best for your children 

Registered childminders look after one or more children under the age of eight or over for more than a total of two hours a day on domestic premises (other than the child's own home) for reward. 'Domestic premises' normally means the childminder's own home. 'Reward' can be money or payment in kind.

Childminders need to be registered and inspected by the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) to demonstrate the quality and standards of their care. Ofsted ensures that every childminder meets the requirements laid down in the national standards for under five's day-care and childminding such as:

  • Ensuring they're suitable to be with children
  • Checking that they provide a safe, stimulating and caring environment, giving children opportunities for learning and play
  • Making sure they work in partnership with parents and carers
  • Working within the Early Years Foundation Stage (Educating under 5 year old's) 

In addition, in order to become registered, a childminder must undertake Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) has well as everyone in the home over 16 years of age. They also need to have health checks, have a regular inspection of their home and take an introductory childminding course and first aid training.

Registered childminders can only look after a certain number of children at any one time, which allows them to focus more on each child. Many registered childminders provide flexible childcare including early in the morning, late in the evening, overnight and at weekends. Additionally childminders can provide continuity of care and stability, often looking after children from babyhood through to school age. All childminder's need to educate all children under the age of five within the E.Y.F.S, like nursery and pre-school, though play and keeping learning profiles and observations.  

Good Childminders are always keeping up to date on Training

Information Leaflet For Parent's


A good place for Childminders and parents to visit for information: Child Minding Help And Little Sparkles

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